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Poster by Chaeyoung Yoon

"During the pandemic, specifically during the isolation periods we were all together in loneliness. In this time of loneliness we all turned to our screens in order to connect with the world around us, in the form of social media, messaging, streaming and video calling. In order to address this common feeling, the group has chosen to explore the idea of loneliness and how much connecting virtually made us all feel less alone."

In "Connect" we aim to cover different long distance relationships including romantic, platonic and family. We will show how staying connected with these people helps with feeling less lonely in isolation and the pandemic even if the communication was only virtual. It will address various issues that came with virtual communication such as time changes, language barriers and recreating the same feeling of connection we once had in person.  In order to develop these stories we will be taking inspiration from the various long distance relationships our group has had throughout the pandemic.


"In a world that is extremely polarized; we want to make sure everyone can resonate with the film. We want people to realize that even around the world we can all feel lonely and emotions are the thing all humans share, no matter what they look like or what they believe."


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